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Our Services


Our services/workshops are offered at convenient times and at your location. We tailor to meet the needs of your audience (small or large groups). Workshops facilitated for schools, Fraternities and Sororities, Civic Organizations, Faith-based Organizations and Businesses.

Education and Training

Harambe Social Services provides education and training about domestic abuse and sexual assault, their consequences and victim support services. We offer critical tools for prevention and key components a coordinated community response and outreach to support victims and their families. Descriptions and examples of group classifications and speaking seminars are outlined below.
Please call 609-225-6936 to schedule a workshop for your organization.

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WORKSHOP  develops professionals skills to provide culturally relevant and inclusive services for domestic violence and sexual assault agencies, court and judicial personnel, human services, healthcare, education and law enforcement professionals. The workshop is provided by Harambe staff members and volunteers.

COMMUNITY EDUCATION WORKSHOP provides speakers for civic associations, community and faith-based organizations, businesses, colleges and universities, middle schools and high schools and others who are interested in understanding interpersonal abuse and violence. Community members can become an integral part of the coordinated community response necessary to support victims and hold abusers accountable for their actions by learning more about the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Domestic Violence Education is a 5 weeks workshop that offers basic Domestic Violence education. The workshop can offer better insight into the dynamics of intimate partner violence. After attending participants will be able to answer questions such as, “what is domestic violence?” and “how best can I help a victim?”.  Individuals will receive a certificate of completion. Lessons can given on an individual basis. 

Contact: Email for more information. 

Counseling and Therapeutic Interventions:

Financial Wellness Workshop A virtual 6- week class that equips individuals with the knowledge to make sound financial decisions, position themselves to thrive, and pursue long- term goals. Individuals who miss the registration deadline can contact us about joining the next class.

Counseling: Individual counseling services are available and scheduled as needed with a therapist for adults survivors.


Small group therapy provides survivors with an additional level of support, opportunities to address their victimization in a safe environment, and develop a sense of community with individuals who had similar experiences. The group discusses several topics over a 10 week period, including dealing with shame and guilt, setting boundaries, power and control dynamics, identifying healthy relationships, and embracing the healing process.


We are dedicated to providing safe emergency temporary housing for eligible survivors. We have safe havens at multiple confidential locations and provide free comprehensive support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault of all gender identities and their children.  To verify eligibility and intake call 609-225-6936.

Legal Advocacy

Survivors can receive accompaniment to court and/or police station, they receive guidance about the legal process including an explanation of temporary or final restraining orders. The advocacy provides general support when dealing with the legal side of domestic violence and sexual assault. Referrals to an attorney who works in collaboration with Harambe Social Services.


Harambe Social Services is an approved Cut It Out trainerCUT IT OUT® was originally created by The Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham and the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence as a statewide program. In March 2003, the National Cosmetology Association took the CUT IT OUT® program nationwide, training hundreds of salon professionals since. Today, CUT IT OUT® is a program of the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) Foundation.

Why the Salon Professional?

Salon professionals are in a unique position to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse in their clients and co-workers. Because of the intimate and nurturing nature of the relationship between salon professionals and their clients and co-workers, salon professionals can often spot signs of physical abuse that others may never see.

Research shows that most battered women never call the police or go to a shelter. However, they do usually talk about the abuse with someone they trust. Because salon professionals are skilled and experienced listeners who are personally interested in those around them, many victims suffering from abuse feel comfortable confiding in them – even if they would never tell anyone else. For an abused woman, the salon may be an ideal environment to seek out help because it may be one of the few places she is allowed to go without her abuser.

With proper training on how to recognize the signs of abuse and safely refer victims to help, salon professionals can become invaluable and influential community partners in the fight against domestic abuse. Get Involved, click here.

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