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Harambe Social Services provides FREE culturally sensitive therapy for youth between the ages of 13-18 who were impacted by domestic violence and/or teen dating violence. Therapy will be provided for one hour a week over a 16 week period and includes:

Experienced & Specially Trained Youth Therapists
Trauma-Informed Therapy
Cognitive Behavorial Therapy
Creative Arts Therapy
Quick Scheduling & Transportation Available
FREE Therapy for Youth
Program Overview

Harambe’s Youth Wellness Program provides FREE therapy sessions to youth residing in Camden County and surrounding counties who experienced or witnessed domestic and/or sexual violence. Youth will receive counseling services from culturally sensitive and highly trained therapists.

Services To Be Provided

A range of traditional and nontraditional treatment modalities from a culturally sensitive framework, to positively impact the mental health and overall wellbeing of participants.
16 therapy sessions per youth.
Expose youth to various forms of therapy by experienced and specially trained therapists, including: Trauma Informed Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Creative Arts Therapy.

Targeted Population

Youth ages 13-18 and of the African Diaspora who experienced or witnessed domestic violence and/or teen dating violence and residing in Camden County or surrounding counties.

Program Goals

To decrease the youth’s feelings of anxiety and fear and increase their feelings of safety and security through trauma informed therapy.
To remove participation barriers that can impact the youth’s ability to complete their treatment program.
To include the parent/ guardian in therapy sessions at least once per month.
To assist the youth and the family in their healing journey by providing insight and understanding of the trauma experienced by the youth.

Teens in Charge

The Teens in Charge: Healthy Relationship Learning Zone is a 5-7 week comprehensive virtual or in-person program that educates youth of the African Diaspora about teen dating violence, gender-based violence, socialization, oppression, consent, and peer advocacy. Youth who complete the program receive a Peer Advocacy Certificate of Completion, swag bag, gift card, and a network of support and resources. Schools, youth programs, and parents/guardians who are interested in learning more can email and list “Youth Services” in the subject line.

Girls in Charge

The Girls in Charge Collaborative works to amplify the needs of girls of color ages 14-22 by providing existential leadership and advocacy opportunities. Girls who participate in the program receive personal development, workshops, peer advocacy and social justice training, up to $200 compensation for projects completed to educate community service sectors, plan and attend field trips,  and receive an Advocacy Certificate of Completion. Schools, youth programs, and parents/guardians who are interested in learning more can email and list “Youth Services” in the subject line.

Intakes and Referrals

Parents, guardians, and referring agencies can contact Harambe Social Services at 609.225.6936 to complete an intake/referral or select the button below.

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